Sunday, January 18, 2015

College Football Playoff

The College Football Playoff, this was the most anticipated moment in all of college sports this year. With the new rules and playoff system to see who is the true national champion of college football, revenues for the games were sky high this year. 

With 2 semi final games being playing before the big game or the national championship game there is a lot of money to be accounted for. With waxh team playing a huge playoff game, ticket sales and revenue for the schools were crazy. With the 4 teams playing in the semi final game, over 3,000 tickets were given to each university for free to give to the student body. For the championship game, only 1,000 tickets were given to each of the schools. That means over 96% of the original tickets were still for sale, for all these games combined. That's a lot of profit for the stadiums hosting the games and the schools. 

Like Cardale Jones (sophomore quaterbqck of Ohio State) said "We're here to play football, not to go to class. We can to play football. Not play school." He said this before the National Championship. Well they sure do bring in a lot of money. So I'm some aspects he is right. The school only focuses on how much money they are goning to make out of this game or situation. 

Friday, January 16, 2015

KD Picks Nike.

  Kevin Durant, one of the NBA's all star players was recently in the news for his shoe deal with Nike. This may not seem like such a big deal to most of you but, to the basketball world and the world of fashion it is. Kevin Durant has a leading line of shoes for Nike. They are trade marked at the KD's. Recently his contract ran out with Nike and Kevin was faced with a decision that could change the game for a long time. 

Under Armour another sports company took a long shot at offering KD a shoe deal. With Under Armour 2nd in the U.S. in sporting apparel sales behind Nike, Under Armour could've shaken up the would of sports apparel. With a 70 million dollar offer, it was certain KD would leave Nike. 

But in the end KD stayed true to Nike and released the KD V over the fall and released the KD V Christmas edition before the holidays. These sales were through the roof due to the fact that's this show has been acclaimed to be the best KD sneaker ever released. 

Friday, December 19, 2014

How the return of Manziel sparked a flame for the Browns

  Johnny Manziel's infante return to the football field as a started rocked the NFL news these last weeks. Although his performance was worse than expected, it still was a positive for the NFL and the Cleveland Browns. 

  Although Sunday's game was away, the Browns hold and game viewing in their clubhouse, that holds about 1,000 people. For the first time this season it was sold out just to watch Johnny Manziel take the feild. An average seat costs about $56 dollars. For front row seats you're talking about $138 dollars. For a game on a screen that's crazy. 

  As this Sunday approaches and the Browns are home, their ticket sales are rising just to see the young star take the feild. 

  I think this is crazy how one player can impact a whole city. 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Real "Wolf of Wall Street" Struggles to pat back his debts.

Jordan Belfort, The Wolf of Wall Street.

   Jordan Belfort was an American stockbroker from 1987-1999. He worked for L.F. Rothchild, one of the biggest stockbroker companies in the 1980's. After working there for 6 months, Belfort was laid off and L.F. Rothchild shut down after 87 years of operation. For weeks Belfort looked for jobs involving sales and merchandise, no jobs were coming up available. He found a job in Staten Island, New York at a place called Investacenter. He worked there for months selling penny stocks to big time business owners and making 50% commission on everything that he sells. Unlike blue-chip stocks you only make 2% commission. Once Belfort figured out how to cheat the system and started his own stock broker firm, Stratton Oakmont. Then for the next 10 years Belfort committed money laundry, stock fraud,  and securities fraud and was convicted and served 22 months in a federal prison.

  Above, I gave you some background information because this ties into him not paying back his $110 million dollar debt. Mr. Belfort owes his customers and business he stole from the money he took. 

  But, he is behind on his payments. He's only payed back $11.6 million so far. He's behind by 6 months as reported by the NYPD. The police commissioner  along with the local justice departments are in works with Mr. Belfort's lawyers to reduce the monthly payments. 

  I found this very interesting due to the fact that I love the movie and find law interesting. 

Monday, November 24, 2014

LeBron.. He's Home.. But at a GOOD Price..

LeBron James and his epic return to Cleveland after 4 season with the Miami Heat has been the talk of the sports news especially with the NBA season underway. The city of Cleveland isnt just happy they got their "home town hero" back, they are more happy with the business side of things. The Cavs only sold 20, 562 tickets last season per game. The averaged ticket price was around $55.95. This resulted in a $47.2 million dollars in ticket sales. Those totals are yet expected to double maybe even triple if the  Cavs advance to the post season. 

But even outside of the CLeveland orginization, The business owners in the city and around the sporting complex are expect to have a raise in total revenue. With the arrival of LeBron James it is expect that sports bars, bars, and your normal returants that broadcast the game on TV will show a rise in sales during basketball sesason. It is expect that all the business within a 5 mile raduis will expericence a profit gain of 4%-16% over the course of the season. 

 With Christmas shopping on the rise it also seems that sports apperal stores in the area of the staduim that sell Cvs gear and LeBron jerseys will see a rise in sales over this holiday season. LeBron's jersey is the most bought jersey in the entire NBA, with this label it is certain that this will boost totoal revenue for local business that sell the sports apperal. 


Brazil Lost the World Cup but, Ultimately Won in the End...

As we all know this past worl cup was held in the beautiful country of Brazil. Even though Brazil los the worl cup they did ultimately win. The reason why behind this is that Brazil had over 1 million foreign tourist visit during the month long festivities of the World Cup. The contry only predicted about 600,000. This was a sure growth in the countrys economy for just one month. The local Businesses, Hotles, Shops, Grocery Stores and others all saw a significant increase in sales and profit from the 1 million foriegn travelers.

But the biggest and most unexpeected number was the number of Brazilians that traveled within the country itself. They expected around 2.4 million Brazilians to travel from place to place to see each game, but it was a whopping 3 million that traveld within their own country to see all the soccer games. 

Now you can say that this didnt effect the economy like the forgien travlers did. But it reality the Brazilians who traveled within their own counrty had the biggest impact of all. This is because they needed to eat, drive from place to place, pay for gas, if they were not driving they took a bus that they probably needed to pay for. 

So as I conclude this blog i found that Brazil in the end ulitimatly won. 

Moroccan Futbol Team struggles due to Ebola

The Moroccan soccer team has struggled latley due to the Ebola outbreak. This virus has swept the entire world by a strom, not just effecting lives and family, now its efecting the sports world as well. WIth the recent outbreak in Africa and the spreading of this deadly desiase, it has come to Morocco and effected the National Soccer team and affecting its chances of qualifying for World Cup qualifiers i years to come. 

SOme people say that Morocco never had a chance to qualify anyway, but its noy just effecting its soocer team. This is effecting the nations tourism from  the surrounding countires and all over the world, which means a lower profit for all hotels and businesses in the area. Mostly, the ticket sales for the games are at a al time low. The stadium isnt mking enough money to opperate with a full staff, they needed to lay off about 300 employees to make it work with the stadiums income. 

Now on to the soccer team part, it is efecting them because the games they are needing to play are being cancled or post poned. No country will bring their team to Morocco and risk the chance of Ebola. FIFA has announced that the games missed by the Moroccan National team can and will be made up on a later date after all the players and staff and the surrounding area has been cleared of Ebola.