Monday, November 24, 2014

Moroccan Futbol Team struggles due to Ebola

The Moroccan soccer team has struggled latley due to the Ebola outbreak. This virus has swept the entire world by a strom, not just effecting lives and family, now its efecting the sports world as well. WIth the recent outbreak in Africa and the spreading of this deadly desiase, it has come to Morocco and effected the National Soccer team and affecting its chances of qualifying for World Cup qualifiers i years to come. 

SOme people say that Morocco never had a chance to qualify anyway, but its noy just effecting its soocer team. This is effecting the nations tourism from  the surrounding countires and all over the world, which means a lower profit for all hotels and businesses in the area. Mostly, the ticket sales for the games are at a al time low. The stadium isnt mking enough money to opperate with a full staff, they needed to lay off about 300 employees to make it work with the stadiums income. 

Now on to the soccer team part, it is efecting them because the games they are needing to play are being cancled or post poned. No country will bring their team to Morocco and risk the chance of Ebola. FIFA has announced that the games missed by the Moroccan National team can and will be made up on a later date after all the players and staff and the surrounding area has been cleared of Ebola. 

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