Sunday, January 18, 2015

College Football Playoff

The College Football Playoff, this was the most anticipated moment in all of college sports this year. With the new rules and playoff system to see who is the true national champion of college football, revenues for the games were sky high this year. 

With 2 semi final games being playing before the big game or the national championship game there is a lot of money to be accounted for. With waxh team playing a huge playoff game, ticket sales and revenue for the schools were crazy. With the 4 teams playing in the semi final game, over 3,000 tickets were given to each university for free to give to the student body. For the championship game, only 1,000 tickets were given to each of the schools. That means over 96% of the original tickets were still for sale, for all these games combined. That's a lot of profit for the stadiums hosting the games and the schools. 

Like Cardale Jones (sophomore quaterbqck of Ohio State) said "We're here to play football, not to go to class. We can to play football. Not play school." He said this before the National Championship. Well they sure do bring in a lot of money. So I'm some aspects he is right. The school only focuses on how much money they are goning to make out of this game or situation. 

1 comment:

  1. A lot of people would kill for a chance at a free education. the fact that some of these kids just don't care about that is sad.
