Monday, November 24, 2014

LeBron.. He's Home.. But at a GOOD Price..

LeBron James and his epic return to Cleveland after 4 season with the Miami Heat has been the talk of the sports news especially with the NBA season underway. The city of Cleveland isnt just happy they got their "home town hero" back, they are more happy with the business side of things. The Cavs only sold 20, 562 tickets last season per game. The averaged ticket price was around $55.95. This resulted in a $47.2 million dollars in ticket sales. Those totals are yet expected to double maybe even triple if the  Cavs advance to the post season. 

But even outside of the CLeveland orginization, The business owners in the city and around the sporting complex are expect to have a raise in total revenue. With the arrival of LeBron James it is expect that sports bars, bars, and your normal returants that broadcast the game on TV will show a rise in sales during basketball sesason. It is expect that all the business within a 5 mile raduis will expericence a profit gain of 4%-16% over the course of the season. 

 With Christmas shopping on the rise it also seems that sports apperal stores in the area of the staduim that sell Cvs gear and LeBron jerseys will see a rise in sales over this holiday season. LeBron's jersey is the most bought jersey in the entire NBA, with this label it is certain that this will boost totoal revenue for local business that sell the sports apperal. 


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