Monday, November 24, 2014

How Major League Sports Relate to Economics

In major league sports it depends a lot on lacation. When new players go into free angency each year there are a few factors that each player considers before making a move back to his original team or a new team. This realtes to economics because of how each city has its own eonomic factors, Like New York for example, it is a very well known place for publicity and fashion and big names. Another place that could be considered would be Los Angeles, this city is the exact same was as New York. Big, Bold, and Glamorous. 
Now, dealing with majoor league sports and players, bigger cities are financially stronger. On average,  the better teams are in bigger cities, they are also finacally stronger. This is because the revenue is so much bigger in the cities that are bigger. 
The big market teams in any sport are more likely to land the "Big Time" or "All Star" free agents. This is due to the ammount of hype and attention the athlete will get. The more attention a athlete gets, the more money he/she will make. Its a game inside of a game and free agaency is always something fun to watch unfold. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with that because a team can only be as good as they invest. Just like the Yankees they have been so good in the past because they have so much money and can spend it on buying the best players out there. I think this is peferctly fine because that's life if a company had more money that means they worked to get there and other sports teams just need to work harder at getting bigger.
