Saturday, September 20, 2014

NFL Jersey sales skyrocket as Manziel leads the way.

Johnny Football, a football player who has taken the sports world by a storm. Love him or Hate him, Johnny Manziel has taken over the NFL jersey sales surpassing league superstars like Tom Brady, Peyton Manning, Adrian Peterson, LeSean McCoy, and Calvin Johnson aka Megatron. This article I read through ESPN showed that within the fist 3 months of Jonny Football's jersey being released it grossed about $46 million. Thats the most ever by a rookie in NFL history. 

If you think thats crazy?, at this point Manziel did not even play one down in the NFL yet. He was just drafted 2 1/2 months before this! This article gave me a lot of inforamtion on how the NFL divides up their jersey sales between the team, the leauge, and the specific player. Within that $46 million Johnny Manziel got around $5.2 million, the Cleveland Browns got $20.3 million and the NFL got $20.5 million. 

Overall this article gave me a great insite on how the league divides up the money on sales with merchandise and other things. But I thoroughlly enjoyed reading about Johnny Football! 


  1. Wow, I knew Johnny Football was popular, but I didn't know he was that popular! I like Manziel, but I think it is kind of ridiculous that his jersey is the most sold in the NFL, considering that he doesn't even get in the game usually. Also, I find it interesting how the money is split up. I never would have thought that the team gets most of the money for jersey sales. Even though Johnny Manziel is helping the Browns on the football field, he is definitely helping their financial situation.

  2. It's interesting to see that economics plays a part in every aspect of life. Even football and Johnny Manziel. I'm glad to see you enjoyed your article.

  3. It is very interesting to see how the money from the jersey sales are divided up. I think the player should get most of the money in jersey sales.

  4. I like this post because it shows how economics and sports intertwine. It is crazy that Johnny Manziels' jersey sold that many before he even played.

  5. I knew that I could read a good article about Johnny on Justin's blog!! I like it. But this is nuts Thats his jersey is the number one selling jersey good for him

  6. Johnny Manziel is a freak of an athlete. Every football fan either loves him or hate him. He is the most charismatic player in the game today. I am not surprised that his jerseys sell this well. #Heilmanziel

    1. That is the exact reason why I love him Billu, Johnny Football is the nost electric, swagged out, hype, and quality football player I have seen in 5 years. #HeilManziel

  7. Its pretty crazy that johnny Manziel's Jersey sold that much money considering he has never started in an NFL game.

  8. Its the players who sell the jerseys. They should be the ones to get most of the profit
